First, let me say, if you haven't heard of a tubtrug- you have. You just didn't know what it was called. I just got my first (and second) this year and already it has proven worthwhile. I like the shallow ones the best. I feel like that has way more uses for me.
Let me tell you a little story.
So. My kids, my preschool kids and I (henceforth known as the preschool crew) were planting carrots and radishes in solo cups. Everyone was super excited. I was excited because starting plants is like an addiction you just have to keep feeding, and the kids were excited because they were doing the plants ALL BY THEMSELVES (with some guidance). So it goes exceptionally smoothly; we put them under the grow light, go to eat lunch, boys laid down for a nap and.... BOOM. From my studio office arose such a clatter, I sprang from my spot on the couch to see what was the puma (okay, very large kitten) had jumped onto the tray and it flipped off the table onto the carpet.
At first I was pretty angry with Hula (the puma)...and then I realized I had to salvage this project or the kids would be devastated. So I grabbed my tubtrug and started putting as much dirt as i could into it along with the cups. Luckily my daughter and one of the preschool girls came to the rescue and helped me redo every single cup.
But...the point of the story is, if it weren't for the tubtrug, I would've had a much more difficult time redoing that entire thing. Believe in the usefulness of the tubtrug. It is not only full of purpose....but it saves preschool gardening projects. True story.
And yes. I have another one chilling in my shopping cart....whispering its functionality softly in my ear.
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